
Showing posts from October, 2024
  Post-Script I started this blog after an innocuous conversation at Rosh Hashanah dinner two years ago when I mentioned that I had been to most shules in Melbourne. Some family members told me that I should visit all the shules intentionally, and immediately after the festival season, starting with Parashat Bereishit, I began do so and started documenting my experiences through this blog. I initially wrote about my plans behind the so-called experiment here: . Since then I have written 103 blog posts – having never missed a Shabbat morning in that period – which included around 70 different services in Melbourne, plus a number of different ones overseas and interstate. I only wrote about my Shabbat morning experiences even though I also went to quite a number of different Friday night services too, including a few shules that only meet on a Friday night, like Kehilat Kolenu and Nesham